Triptych 002 : What Casts Our Lives Asunder
“What Casts Our Lives Asunder”
2017 mixed media on canvas
200 x 270 cm
by Angel Correa
This is a study in fragmentation of many forms, and how the nature of the human condition is that we constantly seem to be forced to reassemble our emotional, social and even physical structures when life-circumstances cast them asunder.
The depiction is of quite literal physical fragmentation – and the lack of stability when coming to terms with our own vulnerability – whereby the depiction is of feet which are missing, enhancing the effect.
It’s often axiomatic that physical defragmentation results in emotional trauma. Not all of us have been ‘cast asunder’ physically, but most of us have been destabilised by loss, disappointment, grief, and the sudden cessation of long-held dreams or taken-for-granted abilities.

Left Panel
200 x 90 cm

Centre Panel
200 x 90 cm

Right Panel
200 x 90 cm